(Holy Week of Murcia) |
SALZILLO, Francisco (1707-1783) Spanish sculptor - Born in Murcia, the son of a sculptor, he is considered a major representative of the Italian baroque style. He entered into the order of the Dominicans, but in 1727 his father had to leave the convent when dying to become position of the familiar factory, in which their brothers worked. Its work is characterized by a great religiosity, that crystallized in the numerous production of scenes that form their famous Bethlehem and its processional steps of Easter. Its first period was dedicated to the accomplishment of belenes to the napolitano style of end of century XVII. The figures of Bethlehem -456 personages and 372 animals are conserved in the Salcillo Museum of Murcia. As of 1752 it was dedicated to carve the processional steps for the brotherhood of Jesus de Nazareth, of whom it comprised. Between these they appear: The Fall (1752), Oration in the Orchard (1754), the Verónica, San Juan and the Painful one (1754-1756), the Prendimiento or the Kiss of Judas and the Supper (1763), Christ tied to the column (1777-1778). Between more beautiful the isolated statures it appears San Jerónimo (1755) of the monastery of the Nazora, that is conserved in the cathedral of Murcia and medallón made oval that represents in altorrelieve the Virgin with Nino and San Juan. In the seal a fragment of the Oration in the Orchard reproduces, in which it appears a detail of the Angel who accompanies Christ. The scene gathers the moment at which to the Gentleman, with the apostles Pedro, Santiago Mayor and Juan, appears to him an Angel. The statures are in wood policromada, except the one of Jesus, who appears dress..
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